Courses Offered

Courses and Workshops​

In Person – DISCUS/MOSES: Monitoring for Tardive Dyskinesia



Learn the skills for monitoring the development and progression of tardive dyskinesia (TD). Tardive dyskinesia is a potentially persistent side effect of taking antipsychotic (neuroleptic) medications. TD consists of specific involuntary movements in seven different areas of the body.

This training course near Minneapolis is designed to teach nurses, social workers, and direct care staff to screen for the presence of tardive dyskinesia in all clients taking antipsychotic medication. During the course, you will learn how to use the DISCUS rating scale, the medical standard used to measure TD. A series of videos enables participants to practice using the DISCUS and demonstrate skills for DISCUS rating.

The MOSES, a general side effect assessment scale for psychotropic medication, is reviewed as well.


  1. Discuss information about side effects of psychotropic medications, focusing on tardive dyskineisa.
  2. Identify medications that can cause tardive dyskinesia.
  3. List the areas of the body involved and the body movements which occur in tardive dyskinesia.
  4. Practice the 12 steps of the DISCUS screening procedure.
  5. Complete a minimum of 4 (out of 7) accurate DISCUS assessments using video scenarios.
In Person – DISCUS/MOSES: Monitoring for Tardive Dyskinesia

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the course begins. The full course fee will be charged if cancellation is made less than 24 hours in advance. Registrations are transferrable to other students.

If you are interested in having a course presented at your facility, please call us or contact us